Saturday, August 4, 2007

new subjet

Hey all you bloggers out there I'm going too have a new subject on this blog. It is going too be my world wide mind Journal. Good Nightish dayish day! BYe!

new subjet

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Shu Swap

Hey all you blogger's out there, you see I'm on a Road Trip too Shu-Swap Lake right and I'm leaving too go home tomorrow and I know that I haven't typed you people for, what is it a month now. Well anyway my point is that I'm polluting the air on my way here and the way back; Cause it's, like a six hour drive. Of course we'll at least need too stop for gas once on the way there. We just celebrated my birthday; My Birthday's sometime in august. This is shu swap lake.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Hey all you bloggers out there. You know on the radio and T.V. when they have those car adds like last night I heard one that said "Toyota you can really help the environment" or something like that there not true. They just want you too buy them so they can make money they don't really care about the environment; So if your mom or dad does'nt have a car tell them to wait until Zap comes out.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Hey guys and girls who ever is reading this should take this Quiz it doesn't really have any thing with my blog but it tells you how much you pollute.

1. Choose your country and language.

2. Fill out one page of the Quiz

3. Fill out the other two and press the arrow.

If don't want to take the Quiz you don't have to you can just do the other suggestions if you want too.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

ZAP cars

These are the new kinds of cars and they are 100% electric. They are called Zap. If you want to help the environment, try making your mom or dad buy one of the Zap cars or when your 16. You could also go to the David Suzuki website and do the Nature Quiz. But if you don't want to do any of those you can do different suggestions or your own.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


I say that we all raise money and pay off the logging companies. Then tell them that they can make artificial trees; And they can get old furniture that they've already made to make the trunks.